In Venezuela’s taste
At Grupo San Simón, we believe that excellence and quality are the key factors for success.

Our Identity
Business Group
We are an agroindustrial business corporation,
dedicated to produce and commercialize dairy, meat and oilseed products.

Industrial Slaughterhouse

We have a beef processing process that meets the highest standards of quality and animal welfare, ensuring tender, juicy and fresh meat products. We have a storage capacity of 1,350 cattle, offering various presentations of carcass meat and roast beef in premium, grilled, special and top quality cuts.Go to website

Oil Extraction Plant

Our palm oil extraction plant has modern facilities and state-of-the-art technology, a production capacity of 30 tons per hour of red oil and a storage capacity of 2,800 tons of excellent quality finished product, which places it among the main plants in the country as a supplier of raw material for products such as: edible oil, margarines and other foods derived from vegetable fats.Go to website

San Simón Milk Processing Plant

We have a Milk Pulverizing Plant with a daily pulverization capacity of 10 tons, a UHT plant equipped with innovative Tetra Brik Aseptic equipment and a capacity of 120 thousand liters per hour, all of which translates into a wide range of dairy products such as whole milk, semi-skimmed milk, Lactovigor, chocolate drink and powdered mixture with milk to prepare rice chicha.
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San Simón Nursery

We import pre-germinated seeds to develop oil palm seedlings in the pre nursery area. We are specialists in the development of high productivity oil palm seed varieties and clones, which makes us national leaders in the seed market, guaranteeing high quality and health.
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San Simón Agriculture and livestock

We are dedicated to the breeding of dual-purpose cattle and the commercialization of its main by-products: raw milk and live cattle. It ranks among the best farms in the country due to its modern facilities, the use of new technologies and the guarantee of effective sanitary controls.Go to website

Fundación San Simón was created as a retribution to Venezuelans for their trust and support throughout our years of work.